High Bill Concerns

high water bill

The City is proactive in responding to major water loss and high utility bills. If there seems to be an unusual amount of water use, the Utility clerk will initiate a "leak check" with our Operations crew and attempt to contact the customer directly.

Single Family Residential: Does your water bill seem unusually high? It is difficult to determine an "average" bill due to the various ways we may use water. In order to have a starting place, it would be safe to say that a $110 utility bill would not be unusual. The way that water is sold, and with the addition of charges for storm, sewer, road, parks and misc., the actual bill may vary from month-to-month. Although, it is not unusual for a bill to remain the same each month. The time of year may also be a factor, when irrigating in the Summer, the bill may be higher.

Policy: The current City policy will provide for an adjustment ONLY when the current bill is three times the amount for the same period in the prior year and, if a leak was identified and repaired.

A written request for relief must be submitted, accompanied by a receipt for repair, within 30 days. This will only provide for limited relief and the normal consumption must still be paid, along with the over-consumption billed at half the rate. There is no adjustment to the other charges, such as: Storm, Sewer, parks, etc. NO adjustment will be made to bills without sufficient proof of leakage.