Tualatin PD Named a Winner of the Oregon Top Workplaces 2020 Award

Oregon Top Workplaces 2020 Award

Tualatin Police Department has been awarded a Top Workplaces 2020 honor by The Oregonian. The list is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by employee engagement technology partner Energage, LLC. The anonymous survey uniquely measures 15 drivers of engaged cultures that are critical to the success of any organization: including alignment, execution, and connection, just to name a few.

“In times of great change, it is more important than ever to maintain a connection among employees,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “When you give your employees a voice, you come together to navigate challenges and shape your path forward based on real-time insights into what works best for your organization. The Top Workplaces program can be that positive outcome your company can rally around in the coming months to celebrate leadership and the importance of maintaining an employee-focused culture, even during challenging times.”


“While we’re not perfect, this is a pretty great place to work and it is all because of our officers and professional staff”, said Bill Steele, Chief of Police.  “As difficult as 2020 has been, they still come to work every day and get the job done in a way that separates them from others.  Their commitment and safety has been tested like never before and they have risen to the challenge.  When Tualatin Police Department was nominated for this award, the optional survey that was sent out to everyone garnered an 87% response rate.  That’s pretty impressive and it shows me that our officers and staff truly care about our department.  I can’t thank them enough for what they do every day.  I appreciate them and our community appreciates them!”


About Tualatin Police Department

The Tualatin Police Department is dedicated to a safe community and excellence in customer service. We are a professional, progressive law enforcement family whose members are our greatest asset. We strive to improve livability for our citizens through public interaction, dedication, customer service, and partnerships with the community. Our family is proud to take care of yours.


About Energage

Energage offers a fully unified SaaS platform, plus support and professional services, to help organizations recruit and retain the right talent. As a B-Corporation founding member, Energage has committed itself to the purpose of making the world a better place to work together. Based on 14 years of culture research, the engine behind 51 Top Workplaces programs across the country, and data gathered from over 20 million employees at 60,000 organizations, Energage has isolated the 15 drivers of engaged cultures that are critical to the success of any business, and developed the tools and expertise to help organizations measure, shape and showcase their unique culture to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. For more information, please visit energage.com. Follow us on Twitter @teamenergage and Facebook and LinkedIn @energage.